Wednesday 12 December 2012

Hong Kong & Macau, China - July 2012

I should first start by apologizing for the several month gap between this post and the last.  In my defense, I had been taking a writing intensive course this fall semester (which just finished) so my writing was allocated to that and we’ve also been taking advantage of our location with some really fun travel experiences, beginning first with Hong Kong!  

Mark and I left Singapore for Hong Kong on early on Friday, July 13th.  After a short 3.5-4 hour flight (yes, we now refer to anything under 6-8 hours as short but becoming somewhat accustomed to 24 hours of flight home will do that to you) we arrived in the Lantau district of Hong Kong.  Our hotel, The Langham, was located in the Kowloon district.  To get there we decided to take a taxi instead of trying the mass public transportation route since we had two large suitcases to deal with.  However, when taking taxis in HK you have to be careful to get the appropriate color taxi as each color is for a designated island (districts) and cannot go to the other districts.  Once we found the line for our red taxi, there was a short wait and then we were on our way.  
View of HK from taxi, on the way to our hotel
The Langham lobby
Mark catching a breather before our sight-seeing
The drive to the hotel was stunning!  I’m a little bit embarrassed, but also in hindsight happy, to say that we really didn’t do much research before deciding to travel to Hong Kong.  We had both paged through a borrowed Travel Guide (thanks again Sarah!) but it didn’t contain many pictures and having not done any online browsing I didn’t really know what to expect in terms of looks, but had built Hong Kong up in my mind as just being a large Asian city, pretty similar to Singapore.  Before even landing at the airport I realized just how wrong I was.  It’s so mountainous! I realized having read about a cable car that there must be some elevation changes but it was a lot more than what I was expecting.  And the skyscrapers!  The mass of buildings dwarfed the Singapore skyline - and for those who have seen my Singapore pictures, you know that’s no small feat! 

After taking in the awesome landscapes during our 30 minute drive from the airport, we arrived at our hotel.  We got the recommendation from friends who had stayed there previously and we were not disappointed.  Aside from the beautiful lobby and cozy rooms, other perks were: a Chanel, Marc Jacobs, Tiffany’s, Louis Vuitton, and more stores ALL within a few blocks walk!  Hey, a girl can window shop!  And after settling in the room, that’s exactly what we did!  When we were finished perusing some of the stores, we walked to the water front ferry terminal to take a boat ride over to Central Hong Kong Island. Before departing we took advantage of the opportunity for a photo op with the Central Hong Kong skyline and the Tsim Sha Tsui Kowloon Clock Tower.
Tsim Sha Tsui Kowloon Clock Tower
Portion of the city Skyline of Central HK
Picture against the skyline, the clouds made for a beautiful day
The ferry boats which take you from island to island
I'm on a boat
The ferry ride was quick and painless, not at all what we were expecting in such a crowded city.  While in Central Hong Kong we mostly roamed.  This was a unique trip in that we didn’t have many things we felt like we had to do so we went without an itinerary and just walked and enjoyed sight-seeing – although the one thing on our “must-do” list was to get Mark’s Hard Rock pilsner glass (check!).  During our roaming we stumbled upon kids jump roping but in a very unique way (see video)!  Roaming complete, for Friday anyway, we made our way back to the ferry terminal to head back to Kowloon for dinner.
Not even the most crowded part
Made it to Hard Rock just in time to escape the rain!
Planning our route
I've never been to New York but I image this to be very similar

We did dinner at a restaurant in the hotel, The Bostonian.  It was delicious and a lot more reasonably priced than we were used to in Singapore.  The service started off with a complimentary glass of champagne followed by a trip to an oyster bar.  I really wish I would have taken a picture because it was really neat – we were able to pick from a variety of different types of oysters and a variety of ways to have them prepared.  We each had three different types from different places, some cooked and some raw.  After dinner we retired to the room to get a good night’s sleep to prepare us for the next day. On the agenda: Day trip to Macau!
Mark enjoying the complimentary Champers
Me too!
The trip to Macau started off with a little over an hour boat ride.  Our first catamaran ride to be exact.  After docking, we had to wait in a fairly long line to get a day visa but after that we were off on our way!  While in Macau we roamed the city, saw a panda bear reserve, and gambled a bit at the casinos.  Early evening we made our way back to the ferry terminal to catch a catamaran back to Hong Kong and enjoy on last night of “cheap” dining and to see the skyline light show which made for some of our favorite pictures from Hong Kong.
Mark outside the panda reserve
Adorable pandas - I want one!
Asian air-fresheners
City art
Casino where we gambling - don't worry, we had a strict $20 limit!
Waiting for the ferry back to Kowloon after a long day at Macau
Skyline light show = pretty impressive!
View 2 of the Skyline light show
Flying out earlier afternoon on Sunday only left us a few hours to sight-see before we needed to be at the airport but we made the most of them.  If I had to sum up Hong Kong in a few words, they would be: lots of walking, lots of boating, and lots of buildings!

For a look at all of our pictures, visit my Facebook album (you do not have to be a Facebook user to view):

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