Wednesday 4 July 2012

Time Flies When You're Having Fun!

This must be the season for anniversaries.   

Our favorite bar, Black & White, recently celebrated it's 1 year anniversary.  Unfortunately, I only got one picture that night.  But it was a fun-filled night full of customer appreciation with free drinks in honor of the opening day anniversary and free desert in honor of the owner Jay's birthday!  It's crazy because it doesn't seem like a year ago since Mark and I were some of Jay's first customers at his soft opening.  Congrats Jay on your first year in business and we wish you many more!
Julie, Mark, and Conrad at Black & White's 1 year anniversary
Yesterday was also Mark and I's 2nd wedding anniversary and it definitely doesn't seem like 2 years ago since we were saying our I dos.  So I guess it's true, time must fly when you're having fun!  To celebrate we spent the day together on Saturday and capped it off with a delicious sushi dinner at one of our favorite places nearby. We also exchanged gifts, both getting each other cotton shirts since cotton is the 2nd anniversary material (I never knew this, thanks Google).  We celebrated on Saturday thinking that Mark may have to work late on our actual anniversary doing some month end stuff.  Luckily he finished everything on July 2nd so we actually got to have another special dinner together on our actual anniversary! This time dinner was at home where I made a shrimp cocktail appetizer and steak, mashed potatoes, and broccoli for the main.  Desert was fresh strawberries.  Then we watched our wedding video and rented a movie.  I love watching our wedding video and looking at pictures to remember the day - it really was the happiest day of my life!
Enjoying a sushi dinner for our anniversary
Wedding Video by Blueline Photography

Aside from celebrating anniversaries we've been keeping busy in SG by trying some new hobbies.  Mark recently did the 11km MacRitchie hike with me on one Saturday.  And I'm trying my hand at indoor herb gardening.  I'm starting with just three herbs; mint, basil, and rosemary.  Being that I'm notorious for killing plants, if anyone has some tips I'll gladly take them. 
Mark walking the treetop bridge at MacRitchie
"Lifting" the Singapore leaning tree (I had to beg to get him to take this picture)
My attempt at herb gardening. Don't be too impressed, I bought them like this so the real test will be keeping them alive.
Colt's been up to his routine of naps and the occasional "bad boy" chewing.  The most recent chewing victim was Mark's forearm spring grippers so we made him wear the stickers from the grippers on his head for a picture.  Yeah, I think he learned his lesson...
Good boy getting ready to take a nap
Bad boy having to wear reminders of items chewed...
Yeah, he's ashamed. Can't you tell?
Had to include this.  Posted by Colt's breeder on Facebook and I thought it was too funny to not share :)
Anyways...Next up for the Singapore Vogel's adventures is a trip in mid-July to Hong Kong and a trip in mid-August to New Zealand so get ready for TONS of pictures to be posted soon!

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