Friday 14 December 2012

Singapore Happenings: Fall and Winter 2012

Since my last post in July, there have been a lot of happenings on the Singapore front this fall and winter.  To make-up for my lack of blogs during this time I’ll detail an exciting outing or two for each month :)

In August a couple girlfriends and I went on day-trip to Pulau Ubin, a place you may remember from a blog last July.  If not, the short on it is that Pulau Ubin is located in the north east part of the island and is one of the few rural areas left in Singapore.  It involves taking a quick ferry ride from the Singapore Changi terminal and once there you can kayak, fish, camp, ride bikes, etc. 
This day we kept to riding bikes…and being chased by monkeys!  I was left to lead the way having been the only one to have been there before so I pretty well stuck with the same route we had rode with Mark’s co-workers, knowing my own navigational limits and all.  It was a great day – we did lots of riding, spotted some wild boars, walked to mangrove boardwalk, and even made it back just before the rain started! The epic fail of the day was pulling out a banana flavored Power Bar while viewing the rock quarries.  At the time, there wasn’t a monkey in sight but as soon as they heard the paper rustle, I swear they started dropping from trees and swarming!  I quickly threw the bar away from myself and tried to high-tail it out of there on my bike! Except, when the kickstand wouldn’t immediately come up I just picked up the bike and ran (See picture. Yes, I was busy nearly getting eaten alive by monkeys and my “friends” were laughing and taking pictures ;) Have I mentioned that I’m a bit dramatic?)! On a high note, I didn’t realize my own strength and I haven’t ran so fast in years!!
Running from the evil monkeys - that is pure fear on my face!
The Quarry
Bike Taxis (Photos compliments of Sarah)
Wild Boar
Sarah, Niki, and Grace on the Mangrove boardwalk
We hosted Mark’s parents for their visit to Singapore!  Meeting people who haven’t had any visitors while overseas always makes me realize how lucky we are to have had Mark’s parents come not once, but twice.   As well as visits from a few friends and Mark’s brother and plans for my family to come visit in 2013.  Having support and visits from family and friends makes our time in Singapore more memorable and more manageable during those times when you get a little homesick. 

My big worry for their visit wasn’t fitting 4 adults and a giant dog into a small 2-bedroom condo as I already knew we would be fine in that department.  But, it was the worry of running out of stuff to do because I felt like we had covered so much with their last visit!   In hindsight, I see this worry was completely unnecessary. While we did repeat a few things such as restaurants and stores they wanted to try again, we found fun new stuff too!  The first of which was taking them to one of Mark’s hockey games which I think they really enjoyed!  Other highlights from their trip included dinner atop the boat at Marina Bay Sands, the Singapore Night Safari which has an excellent fire show, a visit to the new Gardens by the Bay (just days before the Duchess of Cambridge, I might add), and taking their granddog to play at the beach!
Fire show at the Night Safari
More fire show, very neat!
Singapore Slings with my Mother-in-law
Colt at the beach playing with one of his girlfriends, Buddy
Yep, he's a crazy beast!
A little sand roll
Sandy face!
My boys <3
The Vogels
We were already excited to have found out we weren’t the only ones of our Singapore friends that like watching UFC fights and had even hosted friends on Sunday mornings to watch the fights in the past. So you can imagine our excitement when one of our friends arranged a group outing to go and see a UFC fight in Singapore!  It was a really fun night.  The one low point was seeing the USA fighter take such a hard kick to the “nether region” that he had to be wheeled out on a stretcher!  On the bright-side (if there is one), it’s considered a victory!
The Boys: Christian, Nick, Mark, and Brad
The Girls: Grace, Miranda, Niki, and Sarah
The first full week of November we did an early celebration of Colt’s 3rd birthday which is actually November 15th but we had plans to be out-of-town.   The early celebration consisted of a new large bone and new treats but he also got some new toys from our trip to South Africa to make up for us missing it. He sure is spoiled!
Colt and his birthday bone!

Colt and his doggy beer toy, I like how it looks like he is holding it
Someone hit the Dog beer a little too hard on their 21st (3rd) birthday :)
The last Saturday in November was a busy one for us!  First, we hosted Mark’s new team for a BBQ (sorry no pictures, I think someone else took some so if they get passes along, I will update).  Mark manned the grill - cooking burgers, brats, chicken breast, and shrimp skewers.  I made the sides the night before – broccoli salad, pasta salad, German potato salad, and brownies for desert.  Thank goodness for that Vogel cookbook!  

After clean-up was complete, we headed out to a farewell party for a couple of our friends, Christian and Sarah, who would soon be moving back home to San Francisco.  You know when you meet people here that everyone’s time in Singapore is limited but it’s still hard to say goodbye, especially because we have made such a fun group of friends – they will definitely be missed!
The Group for Sarah and Christians Farewell party
Sarah, Niki, Miranda, and Grace - just missing Ashley!
This month has been full of growing anticipation for our trip home but we’ve managed to squeeze in a few other things too!  Early in the month we went to our friends Ryan and Ashley’s house for rooftop-movie-night.  Their condo has a rooftop pool and grill and also a blank white wall which they use to project movies onto so it is a really nice set-up.  And although the food and movie was great, their baby daughter, Grace, stole the show – I trust you can see why!
Grace, Sarah, Ashley, Niki, and Baby Grace aka Little G
Kind of a blurry picture but the clouds and skyline look cool
After movie night I went on to wrap up my fall semester classes and sign up for the spring semester.  Unfortunately, Mark went on to get the flu and pneumonia which not only caused him to use his first sick days in Singapore but also made him miss our friends birthday celebration :( You know Mark is really sick if he is missing a party!  I was able to go though and made sure to have fun for the both of us – Happy birthday Brad and Grace!
At One Altitude for Grace and Brad's birthdays!
Happy Birthday Brad and Grace!

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