Wednesday 4 July 2012

Birthdays, Babies, and Goodbyes – the Evolution of Singapore

I admit, I’ve been slacking on the blogs lately.  I’ll do my best to catch everyone up on the some significant Singapore happenings in this blog.

First, I’ll start with Mark’s birthday which fell on a Saturday this year but turned into a weekend of celebrations.  Since a pub crawl with friends was planned for Saturday night, Mark and I did some celebrating with just the two of us on Friday night.  As soon as he came home from work, I was practically bursting with excitement to give him the gift I was most excited about!  Our friend Julie, whose dog plays with Colt, is a super talented painter and did an oil portrait of Colt!  Mark said this painting was one of his best birthday gifts and it has become one of our most prized possessions (knowing the time she spend on it, it may be valued more than the actual dog!) so thanks again Julie!  After gifting the painting, we headed to Morton’s for a delicious dinner where Mark had the New York Strip Steak and I had the grilled salmon which were both very good.  Not only was the food delicious but we got great service and a personalized birthday menu and picture so, all-in-all, it was a very good experience!
Mark with "The Colt"
Personalized Morton's Menu
Enjoying Dinner with the Birthday Boy

On Saturday during the day we celebrated Mark’s birthday with a few more gifts and a homemade desert, Oreo Cheesecake Cupcakes, a recipe I got from my new best friend – Pinterest.  Mark got a few things he’d been wanting such as a jump rope and new book.  He also got a Luck Colt’s jersey from Todd!  And Colt got in on the fun too by getting to wear some of the bows!  He wasn’t quite as excited about this as I was…Anyways, soon it was Saturday night and we were meeting some friends in Boat Quay at a place called BQ Bar to have some drinks.  From there we made our way through Clarke Quay and finally home to Roberston Quay while hitting some bars along the way, making it a legit pub crawl!  It was a very fun night and Mark said he had a great birthday so thanks to all who helped celebrate :)
Present time!!
Reading his cards
Getting "wrapped up" in all the excitement
Colt thought the jump rope was a new toy for him...
Pouting because he can't have the jump rope :(
Mark was VERY excited about his new jersey!!
These are the kind of birthday gifts you get really excited about when you live in Asia because you can't find Old Spice ANYWHERE here!
Colt is clearly overjoyed about the Old Spice...
Oreo Cheesecake Desert
The gang (minus Julie who's taking the pic) at our second stop on the Pub Crawl
Hayley, Mark, and Julie enjoying some drinks
Hayley and Sarah at our 3rd stop, Highlander
Mark and Christian cheersing (yes, I invented a new word)
Conrad and Julie being silly at Highlander
We stopped at a booth in Clarke Quay and had these tasty frozen mint shots
IndoChine, the last bar we visited which also has an Ice Bar inside
Hayley and I - sorry for the poor quality, it was taken on my cell in a poorly lit area.
42 Below, the ice bar inside IndoChine
Sarah and I
Mark, Conrad, and Sarah checking out the decorative ice
On Sunday, Mark and I went back to Boat Quay to Smith's a place with delicious English fish & chips!!
We soon had another cause for celebration when our Singapore expat friends, Ashley and Ryan, welcomed a daughter, Grace Olivia!  Congrats again you three!  After bringing Grace home all of us girls we’re very excited to meet and hold her.  She is very beautiful so I think we can all go ahead and blame Ashley for officially inciting baby fever even if she didn’t mean to ;)
Excited to hold baby Grace!
Niki, Hayley, Mommy Ashley, and Tania with baby Grace :)
The day baby Grace was born, us girls got together sans Ashley (for obvious reasons) to toast mommy and baby and also spend some quality girl-time with our friend Hayley before she moved back to Perth, Australia after living 8 years abroad.  We met at Hayley’s one last time for wine, a yummy pasta dinner, and a movie.  Although we did get to see her a few other times before she left, it didn’t make saying goodbye any easier.  I’m finally starting to realize the evolution that is Singapore; birthdays, babies, and goodbyes. 
The start of a silly photoshoot...

We'll miss you Hayley!

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