Wednesday 4 July 2012

Just When I Thought Hockey Was Over…

Someone (I couldn’t tell you who) finally won the Stanley Cup so I thought I’d caught a break from hockey for a while! But, I was wrong – thankfully I enjoy watching Mark play hockey exponentially more than I like watching hockey on TV so I can’t really complain.  Last mention of hockey on the blog, Mark was starting to do drills on Friday nights to get his “ice legs” back but he’s since got picked up by 2 teams: a division 1 team (highest division) that plays on Thursday nights and a division 2 team (middle division) that plays on Sunday nights.  Both nights the games are pretty late, either 9:45pm or 10:45pm but Mark doesn’t mind and is just happy to being playing again!  I think he’s doing really well, especially for not having played in over a year.  He’s even scored most games but of course he thinks there is lots of room for improvement.

I’d been taking pictures at his games /but at his last game on Sunday, 7/30 I managed to get some pretty good videos too!  Below are 2 of my favorites.  In the first video you can see Mark score his first of two goals during the game.  And in the second one you see him get held in the crease which he was not too happy about!

I’m sure this is just the beginning of many hockey pictures and videos to come :)

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