Wednesday 28 December 2011

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

While we’re not experiencing any winter weather here, nearly everywhere in Singapore is immaculately decorated in Christmas décor which helps give it that “Christmas-time feeling”.  And while December may not have brought the cold, it has brought with it the hustle-and-bustle that I associate with this time or year.  Mark and I have had lots of activities and outings this month.

We’ve kept busy while also having a lot of fun this month with Christmas preparations, a Christmas get-together with Mark’s co-workers for a traditional Singaporean meal of chicken rice and soup, a birthday dinner for our friend Nate, and we went to see Wicked which was a great musical! I also hosted a daytime pool party for some girlfriends who live near me!
Colt with the Christmas tree waiting for Santa
Out for Nate's 30th birthday celebration! L to R: Nate, Mark, Bahar, Niki
Kathryn and Niki at Auld Alliance, a Singapore Whiskey bar
My whiskey with an ice ball.  I wanted to try it but I haven't acquired a taste for all!
My handsome husband trying my whiskey
Cheers to Nate!
At the pool party I hosted. It was also Grace's birthday!
Sarah opening Champagne - whoops, popped the top!
Laughing at Sarah's opening : ) Julie, Dan (aka cutest baby in Singapore), and Grace
More giggles - Sarah, Hayley, and Ashley
Following the pool party, us girls decided to take our dogs out of a playtime.  Colt decided I was going for a playtime...through the mud...It's a good thing he's cute!
The stage at Wicked! I really enjoyed it but The Lion King is still my favorite, Mark preferred Wicked
All our activities had wound down a few days before Christmas leaving us the holiday weekend to completely relax which we took full advantage of! We spent Christmas Eve at home with me cooking our Christmas dinner a day early.  After dinner we spent the evening with Colt watching Christmas movies.  We woke up early Christmas morning to open presents and have breakfast casserole which is a Vogel recipe and a tradition from Mark’s childhood that we’ve continued.  We were also able to Skype with Mark’s parents, grandma, and brother – as well as my parents, sister, niece, and grandma so that made Christmas even more special.  After breakfast/brunch and our Skype sessions, we stayed close to home until the evening time when we went to Black & White for drinks and to take Christmas dinner to our friend Jay.  
Christmas Dinner: Baked ham, mashed potatoes, mac-n-cheese, broccoli and rice casserole, stuffing, and deviled eggs. And I'm proud to say that everything was homemade this year - nothing pre-made or from a box or can!
Mark getting ready to slice the ham
Colt and I getting ready to watch Christmas movies :)
Terrible picture of me but I had to use it because it's too funny of Colt!
Colt in front of the tree on Christmas Eve
Aww, look at that face
Mark and his Colty Boy
Mark opening some cards and presents on Christmas
Yep, that's his present in his mouth!
Colt opening his present from Uncle Todd. He got a new Purdue collar! Boiler Up!
Vogel Christmas Casserole, yum!
Mark getting into Colt's stocking
Colt with his new ball, waiting no-so-patiently for his new bone
He really wants that bone!
Mark at Black and White with a refreshing Budweiser
Jay making drinks at Black and White
As usual, Christmas passed by too quickly but we are now looking forward to the New Year.  Scott is coming for his final trip to Singapore to ring in the New Year and in less than a month we will be back in The States visiting family and friends!
Mark and Colt enjoying Mark's Monday off after Christmas
Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year!

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