Thursday 16 February 2012

Happy New Years' From Singapore

To help us ring in the New Year, our friend Scott came over from Chennai, India for his 3rd and final trip to Singapore before heading back to The States in February 2012.  He arrived early Friday morning on December 30th.  While Mark was at work Scott and I made preparations for our poolside grill out which took place later that night.  Preparations included menu planning (burgers and pasta salad) and a trip to the store where we were also able to get Scott’s precious cold cuts.  Cold cuts are a Scott favorite and difficult, if not impossible, to get in Chennai so he always likes to get plenty of them while in Singapore.

Most of Friday night and Saturday daytime were spend with the three of us relaxing by the pool as we wanted to make sure we had ample energy for New Year’s Eve on Saturday night – and we had to take full advantage of being able to be poolside in January since that's definitely not something we were able to do in Indiana or even Texas for that matter.
Scott and Mark relaxing by the pool
After a day of fun in the sun, we got ready for our night out on the town with included a delicious sushi dinner at En which was not only reasonably priced (happy hour specials on food and drinks until 9pm on New Year’s Eve?!) but had a nice ambiance and we were able to get a good table without a reservation.  After dinner we went to our “go-to” hangout Black & White to visit our friend Jay which is always a good time!  We rang in the actual New Year at midnight in Clarke Quay where there were various musical performers and views of the Marina Bay fireworks display.
Happy New Years' from Colt
My favorite sushi at En - salmon eggs!
Mark and I ready for 2012 at Black & White
Scott and Mark at Black & White
The Black & White crew
Midnight Kiss
Marina Bay Fireworks show from Clarke Quay
Mark in front of fireworks show
At about 1:00pm Mark and I realized we are old since we were already ready to go home.  Overall, it was a great start to the New Year and what will be our first full year in Singapore!

As a side note: Since I haven’t blogged since Christmas, I haven’t had the chance to brag yet about the fact that in Fantasy Football I got 1st in the regular season and 2nd overall, which means not only did I kick Mark’s (and the rest of the boys) butt(s) as the only girl in the league but I also won $600. That’s right, toot – toot.  Now let’s just hope this paragraph doesn’t get me kicked out of the league for next year…

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