Tuesday 13 December 2011

Fun and Food!

Sunday we had a relaxing pool day and got to use the floats that Gordon and Gayle brought us from The States. For some reason adult sized pool floats for some reason were incredibly hard to find in Singapore.  After some fun in the sun we again drank and dined along the river (and also played Scrabble) - which became one of our favorite things to do during their visit!
Playing Scrabble at The Merry Men
Continuing Scrabble at Bar Bar Black Sheep
During Monday’s holiday from work Mark suggested we go to the ArtScience museum.  I had already been before and seen the Salvador Dali exhibit which I previously blogged about but there was a new exhibit which none of us seen, the Titanic exhibit.  Sadly, there was no photography allowed in this exhibit but it takes viewers through every aspect of Titanic.  There is history about the concept of the ship and it building, information of passengers and theirs lives at the time of the sailing and sinking, a mock iceberg to touch, ship interior reconstructions, and the most interesting is the 250+ actual artifacts brought to the surface many years  after Titanic’s sinking.  
Headed to the ArtScience Museum
Crossing the Helix Bridge on the way to the museum
The Titanic Exhibit!
I discover a new Dali that I love each time that I go

Love this, the Elephant and the Swan

Drawing of the concept of the ArtScience Museum
Tuesday it was back to work for Mark and back to exploring Singapore for the rest of us.  And the next stop was Little India and then Chinatown.  In both Little India and Chinatown you see an expanse of street shopping set up by locals living in the area, religious temples, and a rainbow of colors; everything from the signs to the buildings themselves to the goods they sell are intricately decorated in bright colors.  Below video taken by Gordon on the streets of Chinatown.

Highlights of Little India included: seeing local fruits and vegetable for sale, smelling hand-made garlands and fresh spices, and our authentic Indian lunch.  We ate at place called Banana Leaf Apollo which was recommended to me by a friend from Sri Lanka.  At lunch we tried an assortment of dishes with origins ranging from North India to South India, all of which were served on a traditional banana leaf.
Gordon and Niki in Little India
Niki in front of the garland which smell beautiful!
Photo of thread colors in Little India, compliments of Gayle.

Gordon's meal at Banana Leaf Apollo
Niki's meal at Banana Leaf Apollo
Chicken Masala, not to be confused with Chicken Marsala which like I initially did
Fish Head Curry - can you believe that none of us ordered it?!

Beautiful authentic Indian wear in Little India
Local fruits and vegetables
Streets of Little India
Hand-made bear key chains in Little India

Highlights of Chinatown included: exploring the Sri Mariamman Temple (Hindu temple), seeing the vibrancy of the Chinese architecture in the restored shop houses, and finding earrings that were 3 pairs for $10 SGD – which Gayle and I both took advantage of!
Outside Hindu temple
Inside of Hindu temple
Hindu temple designs
Hindu temple against the Singapore skyline
Another shot of the Hindu temple against the Singapore skyline
Colorful bracelets in Chinatown
Another demonstration of the vibrant colors of Chinatown
What a bargain!
Market Street in Chinatown
Colorful chopsticks
Colorful fans
Old shop house shutters
Hand-painted globes
Having a globe made for Mark
 For dining later that night we went to an Italian restaurant called Limoncello where Mark and I celebrate our 1 year wedding anniversary.  And in case you hadn’t already notice, food is a huge part of the Singapore culture.  You can find just about any cuisine in Singapore.  Just in the 10 days that Gordon and Gayle were here they were able to try: Japanese, Chinese, Mediterranean/Greek, Spanish, Italian, Singaporean, Indian, Thai, and Western!
Robertson Bridge and it's reflection right outside our condo
Mark on Robertson Bridge - I love this picture
Gordon and Gayle on Robertson Bridge
Italian Night!
Having dinner at Limoncello
Mediterranean/Greek night!
Ready for dinner at Esmirada
Gayle's Vegetable Cous Cous
Mark's Chicken skewer
Niki's Paella Valencia
Gordon's Mousakka
Spanish night at Octapas!

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