Monday 2 May 2011

"This would be a good day to blog about..."

On our second day in Singapore, Mark and I had some time at the gym and then spent most of the early part of the day playing "tourists".  We were actually trying to find a place to get me a local cell phone but did some sight seeing along the way and also had our first encounter with the MRT (Mass Rapid Transportation) which is very similar to a subway, only faster.  And, coming from someone who had never rode a subway before, it was quite an experience.

During our tourist adventures in what is locally known as Little India, we even ran across a KFC. It just blew our minds that there was a Kentucky Fried Chicken in Singapore! This brings me to the highlight of my day (I must take a moment to emphasize the my on that statement).  As we're passing the KFC, Mark says, "This would be a good day to blog about." Just as soon as he finishes the word about, a bird proceeds to take a dump on his head/ear!  I think I was laughing so hard because of the irony in what had just happened. But, being the good wife that I am, I did go into KFC and get him some napkins...only after I almost feel over with laughter, but that is beside the point.

After we cleaned up what we'll refer to as "Birdgate". We headed back towards our area of Clarke Quay.  While walking the Singapore riverfront we decided to stop in at a microbrewery called Brewerkz, where we had decided to do our rain check celebratory dinner that evening.  Mark enjoyed their house pale ale and before we left we made the pleasant discovery that they allow dogs to sit on the patio area so it looks like Colt will get to enjoy some of the local sights as well.

After what had been a pretty great day thus far, it took a turn for the worse in the evening time when I came down with some sort of stomach virus.  So the rain check dinner had to be re-rain checked, we're beginning to wonder if this celebratory dinner is doomed.  For almost a full 24 hours I was in bed and running a fever. Thank God we have 2 bedrooms so that we were somewhat able to quarantine the illness (me) so that Mark has not gotten sick yet.  During the time I was sick Mark made several trips out to check for cell phones and also earned major points for bringing me crackers, Sprite, and the Singapore version of Gatorade, Sportade.

This morning, Mark and I had breakfast together. And now he is getting ready for his first day in the new office. He goes in at 10am until approximately 7pm daily. And is very excited!  I was supposed to look at some more properties today but luckily Cecilia called yesterday and needed to reschedule so that has been postponed until tomorrow morning.  As of now, on my agenda for today is 1.) laundry which there is lots of  and the maximum load size here allows for about 1/4 of what the U.S. load size allows and 2.) Hopefully visit Colt, assuming I feel better later today than I do now : (

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