Monday 23 May 2011

Moving Time!

This week Mark had off work due to the public holiday on Tuesday.  Not quite sure which holiday it was but we enjoyed it just the same.  We took full advantage of Mark not having to be in the office that day.  We slept in, went to the gym, swam some laps, then laid out by the pool.  In the evening we strolled on the Singapore River walk and had sushi by the river.  Side note: It was during our sushi meal that I realized my LOVE of fish eggs and have since even bought them at the store!

Pool side holiday at Fraser Place

Fresh Sushi appetizer - Mark's Tuna sushimi on right and Niki's fish eggs on left 

View from sushi restaurant of boat taxi the "Bumble Bee"

View from sushi restaurant of across the river
Mark and Niki at dinner
The rest of the weekdays were filled with making arrangements for the approaching move to our permanent place, Watermark.  We had forgotten how much leg work there was to do for moving into a new place: packing, setting up utilities, getting the gas turned on, cable, internet, etc. And on top of that we were arranging for rental furniture, Colt's arrival, and the delivery of his food.  Luckily, everything came together perfectly for our Saturday move!  I also did some more recipe experimenting earlier in the week and made clams in garlic white wine butter sauce and they turned out surprisingly well (yes, toot toot again).  Mark and I now know that we really don't care for the grittiness of clams but still enjoyed them.
Prepping the clam experiment
I had also emailed a girl living in Singapore but originally from Spring, Texas earlier in the week. I had met her randomly a few months ago while working at Absolve Wine Lounge in Houston.  I asked if she wanted to meet up sometime so I could pick her brain about all that Singapore has to offer.  We decided on a Friday meeting at a place just downstairs from Fraser Place called Wine Connection.  We had wine, hummus, and nice conversation.  We were eventually joined by her boyfriend and Mark.  From the Wine Connection we continued our conversation at a place called Bar Bar Black Sheep which serves drinks (of course, hints the name Bar Bar) and Western, Indian, and Thai cuisine.  Mark and I shared entrees so we were able to try both Indian and Thai - both were excellent, as was the company.  We learned a lot more about how to get around Singapore as Expats and also learned some interesting things about vacationing in Asia.  After taking in all the information we were given, Mark and I are considering get scuba diving certified and planning some trips around diving.  But, for now, it's just a thought.

After a late Friday night, Mark and I woke up early on Saturday to finish packing. We then said goodbye to Fraser place and hello to Watermark (pictures of our new place will be posted at a later date once we have our stuff and it is decorated).  Moving was pretty much what we anticipated - tiring.  It took 2 taxi trips to get all of our luggage and airfreight moved and we actually had to take a van taxi on the second trip just to get it all.  The rental furniture arrived at the new place shortly after we did. Once we unpacked and settled in, we headed for the store to get groceries and cleaning supplies.  We had been spoiled living at Fraser Place where there was daily breakfast and maid service (Mark jokes that not much will change for him.  But, I'll be the one laughing when he tries my breakfast).  After moving and chores we decided to finally go to Brewerkz, the microbrewery we had planned to go to since the first weekend until we overslept and I became sick.  The dinner was great and on the way home we saw a really neat flight show where people fly electronic light up planes.  I took video but have not yet figured out how to post it.  But the planes light up all different colors and looked very pretty against the night sky.

Bye Fraser Place
After an exciting but tiring Saturday, we were REALLY looking forward to Sunday. The day Colt got to come home! Colt was delivered to us around 2:30pm.  Before getting him acquainted with the house, we had "spa time" which consisted of a bath which Mark conveniently got out of helping me with because he had to listen for the doorbell in case Colts food arrived (man, he's good), nails trimmed, ears cleaned, and elbow lotion.  Immediately following "spa time" Colt got a nice long walk out to the large grass patch and along the river.  (And again, I have video but I just have to figure out how to upload it from my phone, technology can be so confusing).  Since Colt was getting pretty tired walking  Mark and I decided to give him a rest so we stopped at a place called The Merry Men that allows dogs to sit outside.  Mark and I had our Sunday night date for drinks and appetizers and Colt had two large bowls of ice water...and lots of stares.  People here aren't sure what to make of Colt yet some people take pictures or ask to have their picture taken with him or ask to pet him while others walk as far away as possible.  I actually even had a lady run away from us, a full out sprint. I laughed out load a little (don't worry, she was already too far away to hear), I'm sure Colt was laughing on the inside.  So far, Colt is adjusting well with no behavior problems so we're happy! I think he is just enjoying having the run of the couch back and all his old toys.

Colt enjoying being reunited with his favorite toy, Mark's old hockey glove

Lastly, I realized I hadn't posted a picture of Mark's office yet. The below one is not very good but I snapped it on the way to the MRT. I'll follow-up later with a better one. But, you can still kind of see the Shell at the top.
Mark's Singapore Office

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