Saturday 30 April 2011

1 Day Down, 1459 To Go

After arriving in Singapore at about 5:30am (Singapore time), Mark and I didn't get the sleep that our slightly jet lagged bodies were hoping for. Instead, we had quite a busy and, might I say, productive day!

We took a taxi from the airport to our temporary service apartment, Fraser Place, to check in. Oh-I should interrupt myself to mention that there will be no pictures for about 10-14 days because I absent-mindedly left the camera card in the laptop which is coming to Singapore in airfreight. Anyways...Continuing...We checked into Fraser Place after riding in the luggage sandwich aka taxi.

Instead of going straight to unpack we decided to enjoy one of our last days of being "bad" and get McDonald's. One of our goals while living here is to 
enjoy a more active and healthy lifestyle so I'm going to try to pretend like McDonald's doesn't exist from this point out. The good news is that if I do have a weak moment, the trek to the McDonald's is pretty far on foot so that would probably burn off any calories I would intake while there, right?! Haha, don't worry the "Queen of Validation" here was only kidding! McDonald's is dead to me.

Following McDonald's and the hike back to our new place, we unpacked.  Considering the amount of stuff we brought with us, it took surprisingly less time than I anticipated.  Next, we headed to the grocery where we proceeded to spend far too much money on not near enough stuff. Damn you import prices : )!! Looking at the bright side I've already became a more conscious and savvy shopper! And we did get a nice little buggy/cart thingy for me to be able to shop by myself and get the groceries home.  Wow, can't believe I just moved halfway around the world to an exciting new place and I'm telling you about our McDonald's trip and new grocery cart--more exciting posts to follow, I promise!

At 1:30pm Cecilia (our real estate agent) picked us up to look at permanent housing.  All-in-all, we definitely found some prospective places but not 100% sold on anything yet.  I'll be going again on Tuesday, while Mark has his first day at the new job, to look at some more places. While some of the places we saw today weren't our favorites, we're not really ruling anything out yet because they all fit our top three criteria: 1.) Close to Mark's office, 2.) Allows dogs, and 3.) Has ample grass for Colty Boy.

Numbers 2 and 3 bring me to the next and favorite part of our day which was visiting Colt in Quarantine.  We took about a 20-25 minute cab ride to the Sembawang Animal Quarantine station where Colt has a mandatory 10 day stay.  10 days is the minimum stay you can have when transferring an animal into Singapore and that is assuming you did everything you could in your home country vaccination wise.  Quarantine stays can be as long as 6 months. 

Well, the boy was doing well and was VERY excited to see us!  That may have been because I bought his love with treats but I tell myself he just missed me.  We spent some quality time with him in his unit which I am happy to report is pretty spacious and was very clean! Then, we took him to the fenced in area and had some outside playtime where we played fetch (mostly me doing the fetching) and coaxed more love with treats. After Colt got so hot that we legitimately thought he might be overheating, we decided that was probably enough playtime for the time being.  So we walked him back to his unit to say goodbyes.  I won't be able to see him until Tuesday since tomorrow is a holiday in Singapore (Labor Day) and it is celebrated on Monday. But, the really sweet man that works there reassured me that he would give Colt plenty of attention until then!

Once we got back to Fraser place around 5:30-6pm, we decided to take a "short nap" because we were exhausted.  After our nap we had planned on doing a dinner together to celebrate our new adventure. Well...that didn't exactly go as planned...I woke up at exactly midnight to realize that Mark and I completely slept through the alarm we had set for 7:30pm. And now here I am and 2am in the morning finishing my first blog. Looks like dinner got a rain-check until tomorrow! 

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