Tuesday 14 May 2013

I'm 25 (again)!

It’s been a while since my last blog!  But a few days after that blogging session, I celebrated my 25th birthday for the second time – and my second birthday in Singapore!  Even though I was far away from my family, Mark and my Singapore friends made me feel very special :)

The day before my birthday, I had some friends over for a pool day.  It was really nice to celebrate in the sun and in the pool (not something us March birthdays get to do very often)!  My sweet friends made it all the more special by thoughtfully bringing cupcakes which I ate entirely too many of!

Delicious cupcakes - thanks Ashley and Amy!!
The day of my actual birthday, I didn’t make any plans because Mark said he was planning the night.  He told me to be ready by 7pm so we could head off for drinks and dinner, although I didn’t know where he was taking me.  Before we left the condo, he had another surprise up his sleeve!  He had sneakily found out the name and type of purse I was in love with ("purse-girls" out there understand – you really can be in love with a purse!!) and surprised me with it!  

The purse surprise would have been more than enough but he also took me to Club Street – a trendy little street near Chinatown that is lined with restaurants and bars – for some celebrating.   We started at a martini bar called Bartini that makes delicious drinks and finished at an Italian restaurant (man, he knows me well) named Cugini.  He picked the restaurant after going there for a work function and trying a truffle ravioli that he thought I would love – he was right!

Delicious martinis - Mark even drank out of a girly glass ;)
Adorable shophouse converted into Italian restaurant
Us at Cuginis
I’ve had a lot of great birthdays but this one was especially memorable thanks to an amazing husband and awesome friends! Thanks again!

Capping off the night with a movie at home
Roses 2 red and 6 white. Welp, I guess the secret is fully out, I'm officially 26!

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