Tuesday 14 May 2013

Colt: A Stalker and (more) Soccer

As of lately, Colt’s been up to his usual antics of trying to get pets from any passer-byers in sight and playing with his soccer ball until he can barely make the ¼ mile walk back to the condo.

No, I do not want your kisses!
Me and my best boy :)
Colty sure does love his soccer ball!
I've also been up to my usual antics and realized this last time that Colty was at boarding that I am officially a full-blown dog stalker.
Where's Colty?!
Other than his soccer ball, he's also enjoyed playing with some new friends and hanging out by the pool at one of our BBQ’s.  He was almost immediately swarmed by children, who were surprisingly unafraid to pet him, and he loved every second of it.
Colt and his new friends Buddy and Kierra
Mark and Colt enjoying some time by the pool
While Mark was out-of-town for hockey, I decided to let Colt sleep in the bed with me.  As you can tell from the picture, it didn’t work out exactly how I had imagined.  Colt took up most of the bed and blanket leaving me with only a small corner.  They weren’t the most comfortable nights of sleep I’ve ever had but we made it work.  We also stayed up and watched the sunrise together one night/morning :)
Yeah, the little section in the right corner is what I had left.
This perfectly illustrates Colty's night in the bed, haha!

Singapore sunrise from the bedroom balcony
Photo #1 of Singapore Sunrise
Colt post-bath. E.T. phone home!

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