Wednesday 21 March 2012

Taking this Housewives Thing to a Whole New Level

Recent “Ladies of Leisure” activities include an Oscar party that almost wasn’t – I’ll get to that in a minute – and a terrarium building party!   

Having a deep love for all things movies and looking for any excuse to get dressed up and break out the fancy champagne glasses, I decided to host on Oscar party this year!  The Oscars were showing on a channel here in Singapore so I recorded them on that channel but also on the Slingbox (just to be safe). Well, thankfully I did because I found out at a very inopportune time (during the party) that I don’t get the Singapore channel that they were being show on.  All was well though as they were still recorded on the Slingbox which is attached to Mark’s parents cable box (thanks again Gordon and Gayle!).  Other than the one snafu, the day was a success!  All the girls brought very tasty dishes and I won the ballot competition.  What a great hostess, inviting people over and taking their money.
The ladies with our Oscars spread
Awaiting the Oscars!
And, sadly, this was only part of it!
Next up was the terrarium building party.  It was just what it sounds like – a party where we build terrariums.  For those of you who don’t know (because I didn’t), a terrarium is defined as a transparent globe or similar container in which plants are grown.  We planted succulents so there wouldn’t be much need for water.  But, before we got into being productive and “taking this housewives thing to a whole new level” we lunched on some tasty salad and homemade mac-n-cheese, compliments of Sarah! Then we got started layering rocks, charcoal (to keep out unwanted moisture), and dirt.  Next was the picking of the plants. Sarah and Hayley had supplied us with several options so picking was actually pretty difficult.  Several hours later and after more arranging and rearranging then putting on some final rock touches the terrariums were complete! But, of course, no girly hangout is complete without desert so we were treated to a freshly baked apple crumble! And yes, it was served warm with ice cream :)
The beginnings
Taking the tutorial
Just some of the selection
Colorful cacti
Getting started...
Oh the decisions!
Yay for terrariums!
The finished products (L to R: Ashley's, Grace's, Julie's, Sarah's, Hayley's, Niki's)
Another view
Close-up of my finished product

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