Wednesday 21 March 2012

Life's a Beach

This month Colt and I were thrilled to be invited to a doggy beach outing!  We, along with four other girls (from the dog meet-up) and their dogs took 2 vehicles to a part of Sentosa Beach known for hosting dogs.  After arriving we realized that of the five of us I am the worst “dog mom” since I didn’t fully close the vehicle hatch so Colt actually could have spilled out onto the road at any time during the 15 minute drive from our condos to the beach!
Colt on the ride from the condo. He has no idea how close he was to danger!
Luckily, that bullet was dodged and it was all positive from that point forward.  We arrived at the beach to find that the looming rain clouds had kept everyone else away that day so we had the whole thing to ourselves!  All the dogs went off leash without any problems – this was also one of Colt’s very limited off leash activities in Singapore since dog parks aren’t as popular or as  easily accessible as in The States.  That being said, as soon as Colt was unhooked he ran like a wild man, even trampling Calvin the Beagle once in the process. Sorry Calvin!
The pretty Singapore Beach

After he calmed down a bit he had lots of new things to explore, this being his first ever visit to a beach and all.  He had to investigate the sand which, of course, included digging in it and making a mess of himself.  And then he moved onto the water!  (It should be noted that this next part was my favorite moment of the day.)  Colt first approached the shoreline with A LOT of caution, even getting a big scare from a few waves. But, after a while and with my help, he overcame his fear of the waves and took the plunge into the ocean! Running, splashing, and swimming like the beach was his favorite place in the world!
Exploring the sand and playing with his fish
My little sandy face :)
Colt wanting to give Hayley a sandy kiss for driving him to the beach!

Getting Colt adjusted to the water

Once he was well acclimated with his surroundings, Colt started to pay more attention to the other dogs; playing chase, wrestling for the floating fish toy (which by-the-way Phoebe the French Bulldog managed to get from Colt most of the time, haha), and more digging and swimming.
When we reached the point when we didn’t know who was more tired the dogs or the owners, we made our sandy way home.  This was for sure one of mine and Colt’s favorite days in Singapore and we can’t wait to take Mark to the beach too!
Colt the Wild Man
Phoebe taking a dip
Calvin and Meg
The battle for the fish!

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