Wednesday 21 March 2012

Girl Talk

On February 22, five of us girlies had a “girls night out” which started at Loof, a rooftop bar across from Raffles Hotel with a great atmosphere.  With a business card you get 50% all food and drinks during happy hour so the prices were good too which a difficult thing to find in Singapore sometimes.  We had dinner and drinks at Loof before leaving for Raffles to see the Girl Talk production at 8pm.  The interactive show centers around 3 women doing their last radio show live on air while also in front of a live audience (us), it features singing, dancing, and, you guessed it, lots of “girl talk”.  Overall, I think we expected a little more from the show.  But the 2nd half was much better than the first so they finished strong.  While it wasn’t exactly what we expected, we were still happy we went to see it as it was something different for us to do together.  Following the show we decided on a nightcap at the historical Long Bar – I mean, we were right there so we practically had to.  Although none of us indulged in the specialty Singapore Sling, we all enjoyed our drinks and the live music! Great night!
The girls (L to R: Ashley, Hayley, Julie, Niki, Grace) enjoying dinner and drinks at Loof Bar
At the Long Bar

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