Thursday 16 February 2012

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!

To make the start of the New Year even better, during the first week of January a few of my “Ladies of Leisure” friends (yes, this is really what we jokingly call ourselves) and I did an outing to Universal Studios!  The park is small but it was still a lot of fun reliving our childhoods through futuristic teacup rides and roller coasters. I mean, of course, we all only went to keep our friend with a son (Dan) company…That’s the only reason…You believe me right?! 

Entrance at Universal Studios
The streets of "Hollywood"
Which way to go?! Oh the decisions!
This part of the park had a fun Shrek 4-D ride
Two roller coaster intertwined together
Ready for the 4-D ride
Grace, Sarah, and I on The Mummy ride. Disregard my awful face
Anyways, in all seriousness, Universal Studios was a lot of fun but the best part was spending day with some great gals who I’m really thankful to have met.  Having friends to do things with has made this move halfway around that world (literally) so much easier : )
At the Madagascar photo op. R to L: Niki, Sarah, Angela, Grace, Julie, Dan, and Zoe

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