Monday 22 August 2011

When Colt met Calvin

A Colt update – Colt still seems to be adjusting really well.  He probably spends more time (in total) outside daily here than he did in the U.S. - just because I’m at home more. Although, his times outside in Singapore aren’t as long in duration but are more frequent.  His continued interests include: naps on the couch, chewing toys, and Popsicle's (kiwi flavored is his new favorite).  His new hobby is attempting to chase the Asian bobtail cats that hang around Colt’s turf.  As you can imagine, Colt attempting to chase cats while on the leash that I’m also attached to is a lot of fun for me (I write this in the most sarcastic tone possible).  

Colt is also making new friends!  Hayley, who was mentioned in previous blog, just got a 4-5 month old male Beagle puppy named Calvin. Colt met for the first time on Monday.  The meeting was really cute – Calvin kept jumping up to greet Colt and Colt rolled around on the ground with Calvin.  They lost interest in each other after a few minutes and began synchronized stick chewing but they have another “play date” tonight at 6pm with two other dogs so hopefully there will be a little more interaction then!
Rolling/cuddle on the ground
Calvin trying to climb on Colt
The stick chewing has begun...
I thought this one was really cute of Calvin
Colt looks like a giant compared to Calvin!

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