Wednesday 10 August 2011

Lady-boys and Lion Kings

I should start by saying sorry for neglecting the blog for a few weeks.  I missed a week due to travel preparations and then also a week or so due to actual traveling. For the sake of staying current, I’ll start with the week we left off with (7/18-7/24) but will not be as descriptive as usual. I’ll pretty much just cover a few highlights…

During the week I had an outing with my friend, Sarah, we went to see the last installment of the Harry Potter series in 3D.  The movie was great! In fact, it was so good that I kind of thought the 3D was a little unnecessary but anyways...Following the movie we went to lunch at a cafe that she likes called PS Cafe.  We enjoyed afternoon wine spritzers and for my meal I had a delicious (but rich) Mushroom Croque Monsieur sandwich which pretty much consists of three different kinds of mushrooms and two different kinds of cheeses on a homemade sourdough baguette.  Yeah, I gained like 10 pound after eating it.
View onto Orchard Road, a major shopping area
PS Cafe - a great place for lunch! (And yes, I like to pretend I'm a photographer and stage pictures)
...And wine spritzers!
Tuesday night Mark made plans for us to go to a concert with some of his coworkers.  The concert was centered around a contestant from the television show Thailand’s Got Talent.  **Parental Advisory for a moment** The performer is transgendered or a “lady-boy” as they are called in Thailand.  For those of you who don’t know what transgendered is, it means that a person is biologically one sex but identifies with the other sex, in this case a man that wants to be a woman.   What makes this performer even more interesting is that he/she sings in both the male and female tones really well!  My explaining may be a little confusing so it’s probably best to just watch the video below and see what I’m meaning for yourselves.  There were a lot of not-so-great performers leading up to the main attraction which we all thought was kind of a drag but when he/she did finally take the stage there was great singing and entertainment! All but one of the songs were sung in Thai but we still enjoyed it even though we had no idea what was being said. 


Mark and Niki at the "Lady-boy" concert
Toasting at the concert
Over the weekend Mark and I went to see The Lion King: The Musical at the Marina Bay Sands Theater which was excellent!  It was my first musical and we both loved it!  In fact, if another musical comes through that sounds interesting we would definitely go again. Both the theater and the production were very nice.  After the show we went for a few drinks and some food at a bar that I’ve never seen in the U.S.A – The Burger King Whopper Bar!  Yes, you can really order alcohol and Burger King at the same place.
Mark outside of the theater waiting to be seated
Mark and Niki getting ready to see The Lion King
The Whopper Bar!
Sunday we had a lunch date and ate Japanese noodles but tried a different restaurant for them this time.  It’s a little farther from our place than the first restaurant we tried but well worth the walk.  We rounded Sunday out with a surprise treat for Colt since we knew he’d miss us the next week while we were gone.  Colt snacked on his favorite treat – a Popsicle!!
Japanese noodles.  The eggs look brown but those things are delicious!
Colt enjoying his Popsicle and nearly my hand, haha! (This is also a descent picture of the view from our balcony.  That is the Singapore River behind us.)
Sitting like a good boy
He is very excited about this, hence the drool
I thought this one was cute. He's licking his lips!

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