Wednesday 10 August 2011

Back in the U.S.A.

The week of July 25 – July 31 began with anticipation for our first trip back to the states since moving to Singapore! Although, we had lots to do before we could fly out at 2am Thursday, July 28th.  Mark needed to prepare things at work so a coworker could take over his desk since he wouldn’t be able to use his phone/email overseas (it is so weird referring to the U.S. as overseas), while I had to finalize Colt’s arrangements, ready the house, and pack for us.  When Wednesday rolled around we had finished all the things we needed to enjoy some time back in the U.S.A. with our family and friends!  

After boarding the plane Mark and I promptly ordered drinks and began watching movies to help pass the time but also as a “goodbye” to business class since all other flights to the U.S. will be in economy. 
It was a long first leg of the flight but we finally landed in Moscow with a minimal layover (1.5 hours).   My hate of the Moscow airport also has to be noted here.  It’s hot, crowded, super smoky, and did I mention that ALL the security girls look like super models?!  It’s weird, Mark doesn’t seemed as bothered by the airport as me, haha! 
Mark having his last "hoorah" in Business class...
Niki doing the same
The dreaded Moscow airport
We finally made it on Thursday afternoon to Houston after 23 hours of flight.  Almost immediately after leaving the airport we were certain that we were in America. How you ask? 
First signs that we were truly in America!!!
Our friend Amit just closed on his first home (congrats again!) the day we arrived and he was nice enough to let us stay with him while we were in Houston.  Unfortunately I did take many pictures while in town but we did get to do a lot of the things we hoped to.

First on the agenda was doing a “drive by” at our house so we could check to see how the tenants were taking care of it.  Since it is Houston, I should specify that our drive by did not involve guns - it was literally just a drive by.  And we are happy to report that from the outside the house looks great and it seems like the tenants are putting a lot of care into the yard and things.

Thursday night Mark and I headed to Flying Saucer a bar downtown where Mark is a member of the UFO Club.  The UFO Club is a club at the bar where after signing up the goal is to drink 200 different beers from their selection. Your progress and selections are tracked electronically initially surprised me that it was so high-tech.  Anyways…After finishing your 200th beer you are rewarded with a gold plate that hangs on the wall with your name and a quote on it and $100 tab at the bar.  Well, after 3 years Mark finally drank his 200th beer on Thursday and scheduled his plate hanging for that Saturday we were in town.  We had several friends come to help celebrate, one of which was my friend Liz who gets a shout out since she reads all my blogs- hi Liz! Also, Mark got a pretty good location on the wall for his plate, ceiling directly above dart boards.  Oddly enough, his plate ended up hanging right next to a Purdue fans plate.  Boiler up!
Mark and friends giving a cheers to his accomplishment
Mark's plate at Flying Saucer.  After 200 different beers, Bud Light is still his favorite - now that's loyalty!
Before the plate hanging festivities on Saturday we got a lot of our friends together on Friday at one of our midtown hangouts, Christian tailgate.  Thanks again to everyone that came out, we loved seeing all you guys!  Christian’s is known for their burgers but also has a pretty mean karaoke night on Fridays which a few of us even took place in.  Our friend Ben, who was an usher in our wedding, worked the crowd with his rendition of Elton John’s Piano Man.  In all seriousness, it was probably the best of the night.  Sadly, I also took the stage rapping to­­ Eminem’s Lose Yourself.  I will be apologizing for a long time to friends who may have suffered hearing damage during it.  Yes, it was really that bad.  But, it’s okay as long as you have fun right?!

When Sunday came we were sad to leave our friends but also exhausted from going out Friday and Saturday night (we’re getting old).   From Houston we flew to St. Louis where my Dad picked us up.  We arrived in Mt. Vernon late Sunday night.  Monday was a pretty relaxed day where Mark and I spend time with family.  My parents, niece, and I went to Mark parents’ house for a great lunch with them and Oma, Mark’s paternal grandmother.  We also enjoyed an afternoon swim. 
My niece Brinkley
Niki and Brinkley, I had a hard time getting her goggles on right
Niki and Mark
Niki's Dad, Mike
Mark's Dad, Gordon
The Mom's, Connie and Gayle
A highlight from the week included a trip to Holiday World with Mark, Mark’s Dad Gordon, my sister Terra, my parents, and my niece Brinkley. Another highlight was Mark’s trip to Nashville.  At Holiday World we rode a few rides but spent most of the time at Splashin’ Safari the waterpark since it was so hot (and we thought we were going to get a break from the heat- HA!)  It was a really fun day!  Mark said he had a lot of fun in Nashville during his trip, too.  He went with his childhood friend Nick to pick up his other friend Sean who was flying in from Key West.  They spent most of their time on Broadway Street in Nashville enjoying the bars with live music. 
Mike, Brinkley, Terra, Connie, Niki, and Mark at Holiday World
Niki, Mark, and Gordon at Holiday World
Brinkley riding the seahorse
On Friday Mark spent some time with his brother Todd who was able to make an overnight trip to Mt. Vernon from Indy. That night we went to one of our favorite restaurants in Evansville, Western Rib eye, where we were met by family (thanks again to everyone who came).  After dinner we went out with friends to the local watering hole, Sportsman’s.  I again failed in the picture department that night but was able to get a hold of a few pictures of Mark that someone else took.  
Mark and Friends at Sportsman's
R to L: Nick, Mark, Joe, Cory, and Dan
Mark and one of his oldest friends Nick
Saturday night we went to the wedding reception of Brooke Moore and Bill Sanders who are high school friends of Mark and I’s.  It was great to celebrate with them and also see so many other friends we hadn’t seen in a while!  
Mark and Niki before Brooke and Bill's reception
Niki and her Mom
Sunday we spent more time with our families before Gordon and Gayle drove us to St. Louis.  I also got to see my grandpa who had been gone for the week on a pre-planned fishing trip so that was exciting!
Spending some last minute time together practicing cheer stunts with Brinkley
Brinkley, Niki, and Terra
Niki's Nan, Mary Jane
Niki, Nan, and Terra
Once leaving St. Louis we flew back to Houston and from there to Moscow and then Singapore where we arrived back 5:30am Wednesday, August 10th.  When we got back we had lots of unpacking to do and I have LOTS of laundry.  We are also anxiously awaiting Colt’s delivery as he’s been in boarding while we were gone. Needless to say, we missed him a lot!

Below: Random pictures from our visit home.  My family/friends and I had a little too much fun with my phone app.
A southern Indiana evening sky


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