Tuesday 5 July 2011

A toast to the U.S.A. and a toast to us!

The early part of the week began with the usual Monday tasks of cleaning and laundry. Although, I did take a break from the monotony that Monday can bring by making a couple flower arrangements for the house.  I used orchids in two different colors from our local grocer and paid just over $5 for the flowers for both arrangements so I guess not everything in Singapore is expensive.
Our purple and red orchid arrangements
Mark had an exciting Tuesday with the arrival of his inline hockey skates.  His first game is set to be on Wednesday, July 7th. I'm not sure who liked the skates more though, Mark or Colt?! When Mark put them on he did some laps around the house (I did not encourage this) before going to the parking garage - Colt chased and sniffed him the whole time. It was like he really didn't know what to think!
Mark and Colt doing their living room laps
Mark headed for the parking garage in his new skates (Colt didn't want the skates to go, he thought they were his new toys)
Tuesday was a fun day for me also.  I went to dinner with the group of girls I've met since being in Singapore.  Before going for dinner, I met up with Sarah.  She and I took the bus to dinner instead of a taxi so I was very glad to have someone to help me navigate the buses my first time (when I say "helped", I really mean that she did the navigating but I'll pretend like I contributed).  We arrived at a place called Kilo which serves Asian-Italian fusion dishes.  It was a little off the beaten path, but WAY worth the trip! I had an excellent baked salmon dish with basil rice but with all the girls excited to share I was able to try scallops in a mushroom cream sauce, beef tenderloin, and (my favorite) roasted duck!  I had put off trying duck for a little while since I wasn't sure I would like it but now I'm glad I did because I think it will definitely be a dish that I order often in Singapore, it was delicious.  Unfortunately, I didn't come through with any pictures from dinner. But, it's not really my fault as I got caught up in good conversation. : )

Midweek, I also experimented with another new recipe, baked pears.  I picked this one as it was pretty easy and was somewhat healthy for a desert.  I really enjoyed it.  Like usual I had a hard time getting Mark to eat fruit or desert.  When he finally tried it and said he liked it but I don't think he'll be sad if I don't make them all the time.
Finished product, bake pears. Can also be served with ice cream
 On Wednesday, Mark went out for some drinks with his coworkers to a bar called 1 Altitude, it is the highest bar in Singapore perched at the top of 282 meters.  From the top you have 360 degree views of the city.  For those of you that have been following the blog, it actually looks down onto Marina Bay Sands and I think you could tell from the pictures how tall Marina Bay Sands was.  Mark said it was the coolest bar he has ever been to and was thankful his coworker got some pictures to share.
View from 1 Altitude of Marina Bay Sands, Singapore Flyer, and the Art Science Museum
View of City and Singapore Flyer
Another view of the light show from Marina Bay Sands
Beautiful city view
When Friday rolled around we were in full 4th of July mode.  First, I got the ingredients for the dishes I was taking to Saturday's BBQ.  I decided on 2 recipes from the Vogel Family Cookbook and went with Gayle's broccoli salad and Anne's apple crisp - both went over really well!  And, of course, we had to get Colt all ready with his red collar and new American flag tag!
4th of July apple crisp
That Colt, he's so patriotic! But, what'd you expect? He is from Texas!
Saturday we went to the 4th of July BBQ and pool party which was really fun!  We had the best burgers we've had since being in Singapore and more than enough food.  Mark and I arrived at about noon and everyone stayed until about 5pm.  During the course of the BBQ we also swam and tossed the football (Mark's favorite).
Part of the group at the BBQ
Mark and Niki at the BBQ
Sarah, Shelby (hostess), and Niki at BBQ.  We even had firework straws!!
After 5pm, we headed in taxis to the Sembawang Naval base where there was more celebrating of the 4th of July, complete with live American music and fireworks!  There was quite a large crowd, all sporting their red, white, and blue.  We chatted and had some drinks while waiting for the fireworks which went off at about 8:30pm.  People that had went to the Navy base last year said that they have done more fireworks in the past, but I was just excited to be seeing fireworks in honor of Independence Day considering we are in a completely different country on the other side of the world.  After the fireworks, the party continued.  Mark and I went home just after midnight (early for us) as we had another special day to celebrate in the morning...
Presentation of colors at Sembawang Navy base
View 2 of the colors
Partial crowd pick
Our group had "seats" right in front of the stage. Large pieces of cardboard were passed out to use to sit on the grass.
A toast to the U.S.A!!!
Forth of July fireworks in Singapore, not something I ever thought I'd see
My favorite firework, I always love the ones that look like Saturn
On Sunday we decided that in honor of our 1 year anniversary we were going to sleep in and be on the "no plan" plan.  We woke up about 9:15am and Mark told me to sleep in and he would let Colt out.  As he was going to let Colt out he asked why I was getting up and I told him I couldn't sleep.  He was disappointed because he was going to get me breakfast and bed (aww) but it didn't work out as well since I was no longer in bed but I told him it was the thought that counts! Later in the day we went on a walk by the river where we sat and had some drinks followed by lunch and an afternoon nap.
My handsome husband of 1 year!
In Singapore, they put flowers just about everywhere, case in point
Afternoon nap - Colt is slowly coming to the realization that he is a dog and does not always get first priority with the couch.  He does however think that he still gets first priority with the blankets.
After our nap we agreed on a place to eat dinner that was close to our condo that neither of us have tried.  We went with an Italian place called Limoncello.  We started with some wine to toast to our anniversary and then went with the Fish Carpaccio which is a thinly sliced raw meat appetizer.  Mark decided on a house specialty pizza for his entree and I went with the fettuccine and scallops in truffle sauce pasta.  Both we're very good.  We wrapped our dinner with a shared Limoncello digestive and a chocolate lava cake which was served flaming.  It was all delicious but the best part was the person I got to share it with!
A toast to our anniversary
Fish Carpaccio appetizer
Mark's house specialty pizza entree
Niki's fettuccine and scallops in truffle sauce entree
The desert, the flame went out exactly one second before I took the picture.  I guess we'll just have to order in again so everyone can get the full effect ; )
Limoncello digestive
Mark and Niki July 3, 2011

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