Wednesday 13 July 2011

Thanks and have a nice day

Mark and I took it pretty easy on the weeknights in anticipation for our active weekend.  Some highlights of this week were receiving a package from my mom that had been delayed by Sing Post (Singapore postal service) and Mark's first Singapore hockey game.

I had received a note from Sing Post early in the week stating that a package could not be delivered due to damage.  When I got the the postal center to pick it up I saw what they meant, the box was mangled!  On the bright-side, very few things were missing so we got to enjoy most of the contents.  I was looking forward to sponge rollers for an alternative way to curl my hair and Colt enjoyed a few new toys! My Mom had also included some surprise candy but it had to be thrown out as a bottle of wrinkle releaser had spilled on it - I was sad but my butt was thankful not to have the "bad" treats, haha!
Mangled package from Sing Post

Niki excited to try her new rollers which thankfully were intact in the package
Colt loving his new toys (thanks Grandma)!
Mark's first hockey game was on Wednesday night.  We took a taxi to the Tampines area to a place called Millennium Court which is where in-line hockey is played.  We got there a little early so Mark was able to mingle and meet a few people (of all different nationalities, no other Americans though).  The game was what Mark described as more of a scrimmage style so the scores weren't tracked.  I thought Mark looked really good skating but he says he didn't do his best because he is still adjusting to his new skates. He thinks he will also have to get a new stick made out of a different material because the ground was damaging his ice hockey stick.  I have so much to learn, I didn't even know that there were different types of sticks.
Mark breaking out the Ol' Purdue Jersey and making a pass
Mark wearing the #14 Purdue Jersey
Playing some hockey (Mark at center in yellow sleeves)
After Mark came home from work on Friday we had fish & chips and watched the first movie of the Harry Potter series.  We were going to have a Harry Potter marathon but Mark decided he wasn't in from the long haul of 7 movies.  After the movie we turned in early so we could get an early start on Saturday.

We used our early start on Saturday to get Colt fed and exercised before leaving to meet most (5/7) of Mark's work group for a group outing of bike riding in Pulau Ubin (means granite island).  Pulau Ubin is located in the north east part of the island and is one of the few rural areas left in Singapore.  Currently only about 100 people live there, according to Wikipedia.  We met the work group at a Hawker center near the Changi boat dock.  Everyone except Mark and I had breakfast at the Hawker center but we had already ate at home.  We instead hydrated with water and fresh coconut water - which I really liked.
Niki enjoying her coconut water.  When picking your coconut, the smaller ones are typically sweeter and therefore the best.
Once we left the Hawker center we headed next door to the dock and loaded up heading towards Pulau Ubin.  The boat ride was short, about 10 minutes, but featured pretty views of land and water.  There were a multitude of boats along the way; a sail boat, fishing boats, speed boats, and barges.  It seemed that we had picked a good day for outdoor activity because it was slightly cloudy which helped keep some of the sun off us. The clouds didn't make for the best picture lighting though but I guess you can't have it all.
Mark on his way to board the boat
View from Changi dock
Singapore fishing boat
Boat that zipped right past us on our way to Pulau Ubin
Mark and Niki on boat to Pulau Ubin for bike ride
When you first arrive at Pulau Ubin, you are greeted with lots of foliage and a welcome sign.  From there you take a left and head down the road where you can rent bikes at any of the 5-10 bike rental stands along the way.  After finding the stand we rented from, we all had to pick out our bikes and then we were off!  Some of Mark's coworkers had been there on other occasions so they lead the way.  (Side note:  I hadn't rode a bike other than staionary in years but it's true that you don't forget how to ride a bike.)
The Pulau Ubin entrance and welcome sign
The group picking out their bikes
Mark and his bike, he even put the basket on his bike for our bag
Our first stop after picking out the bikes and riding for a bit was the Jejawi Tower, named after a Malaysian fruit the grows in the area.  There are no bike trails leading to the tower so you have to park your bikes at a rest stand several hundred yards away from the tower and then follow a gravel path that turns to a wood plank trail there.  Once you reach the tower there are A LOT of stairs to climb but it is worth it for the beautiful views. Although, I didn't want to stay up there very long because you could feel the tower sway in the breeze which I didn't care for.  On our way down from the tower we had our first of two wild boar sightings for the day.  The boars (about 5) were crossing under the wooden plank trail which was elevated about 3 feet off the ground.  I didn't include pictures of this sighting because I was behind the camera and did not do a very good job capturing the moment.
Part of Mark's group from left to right: Pauline, Sherman, Mark, Howard, Jeremy
Another group picture on the way to the tower. Nice Sherman : )
Mark and Niki at the top of the Jejawi Tower
View 1 from tower
View 2 from tower
The tops of Mangrove and palm trees
Wood plank trail that leads to tower and water front
The group took full advantage of the views and photo-ops from the tower and from there continued to follow the path to the waterfront.  Along the way we saw lots of different plants and tress but the main tourist attraction is the Mangrove trees.  According to signs that the Singapore government has posted along the trail, Mangroves have very distinct thin  roots which are sometimes exposed (depending on tide).  They are found along the coast and provide nutrients to marine life while also protecting the shoreline against erosion.  Once we passed the mangrove trees, we reached a rocky part of the coast with pretty views overlooking the water.  Mark and I had packed a sandwich lunch which we ate there while taking in the views.
Path to the Mangrove Trees
Mangrove roots exposed due to low tide
View 2 of the Mangrove Tree roots
View 3 of Mangrove Tree roots
Following lunch we headed back to the bikes and on the way is where we had our second boar encounter.  It was a little more intimidating this time since we were on the same level as them and only about 10-15 feet away.  Luckily, Mark had the camera this time and got some really good shots.
The boar just snuck out from behind the bushes
Mark getting a little to close for comfort ( I think he thought he was working for National Geographic or something)
Boar #2
Four little baby boars, aww!
In total the group spent about 3.5-4 hours riding and sightseeing.  One of our last stops before heading back to the entrance was the abandoned granite quarry.  It is filled with water and the water has such a unique coloring that it looked like a blue lagoon or something.
View 1 of abandoned granite quarry
View 2 of granite quarry
The water was a really unique deep blue

Sign by the granite quarry, Singapore gets pretty animated with their signs
Mark and Niki in front of Granite quarry
When we got back to the entrance Mark noticed the reverse side of the welcome sign said, "Have a nice day." He insisted that Howard get his picture taken with it because apparently Howard always signs his emails, "Thanks and have a nice day."  After the last few pictures, we headed back to Changi via boat and then took a taxi back to the condo.  Once home, we were pretty exhausted from the day so we took a short nap and then headed out to a sushi dinner.
Howard taking a picture with his sign
One last group picture. Mark missed the "#1" memo
View from the ride back to Changi
Mark and I went to a Japanese restaurant called En for our post-nap Saturday dinner.  We ordered several different types of fresh sushi, garlic rice, and a pasta with cod roe sauce.  I also had my first saki (rice based alcohol) drink.  It all was delicious, my personal favorite was the pasta while Mark really enjoyed the sushi rolls.
Our roll and fresh sushi. Yes, I ordered the fish eggs again
Garlic rice and pasta with cod roe sauce
Iced saki mixed with fresh fruit juices
Sunday we spent some quality time with Colt during the day.  In the evening we decided to grill out and practice the burger recipe for the coworker cookout the next weekend.  The burgers tasted fantastic but didn't stay all. So, we trying a few different things and practicing again before the cookout just to make sure we get it right.  Colt enjoyed cooking out too because there was a group of people at the pit next to us so Colt got his daily pets and also got a chew bone to enjoy while Mark cooked.  All-in-all, it was a great day for him.
Mark waiting for the grill to heat up

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