Monday 11 March 2013

New Condo, New Friends!

When Mark and I came back to Singapore in early January after a 3 week trip back to The States, we were anxious to get back in the swing of things here.  Mark dove into work, I started another online class, and we both began working towards getting out of our current lease as we were STILL dealing with water leaks over a year and a half into our tenancy.  

But, keeping busy doesn't mean we didn't make any time for fun ;)!  I joined a coffee group that meets every Wednesday morning at various coffee shops throughout Singapore.  It’s women from all over that have been transplanted to Singapore, so we are all in very similar situations having moved away from our friends and families and wanting to meet people.  And I have met a lot of really nice women through this group, as well as joined in some other activities with the ladies – birthday parties, pool parties, and I organized another Pulau Ubin ride and an Oscar party!
Drinks at Black & White (L to R: Mark, Niki, Evan, Nick, Grace, Brad, Miranda, and Amy)
Celebrating the 39th birthday of Coffee Group member, Danielle, at Lucho Libre
Dinner and drinks with new friends (L to R: Mark, Niki, Evan, Amy, Melissa, Dan)
Niki's 2nd Annual Singapore Oscar Party!
Kayaking with Bahar at Pulau Ubin
Just a little tandem biking with Amy! (We didn't really rent this bike but it made for a fun picture!)
Staying hydrated with (L to R) Amy, Niki, Danielle, Bahar, and Kristy
Luckily, I was able to host the Oscar party at our new condo as we finally got the landlord to let us out of our old lease.  We moved into a new condo at the end of February.  The new place is in the same area, about a block away from our old condo.  We are completely settled now and like the new place much better! In addition to not having water seeping up through the floors, it has 3 bedrooms, bigger balconies, and just an overall bigger living space.  Another aspect we are really excited about is having tennis courts and the nicer pool, although we’ve yet to use either of them. But, we do have a BBQ/housewarming party planned for the first Saturday in April where we will get to take advantage of the pool!
New Condo - Rivergate
Dining and Living room
Disregard the clutter on the table, I was getting ready for the Oscar Party
Balcony off Living Room
Colts room (2nd bedroom)
Study (3rd bedroom)
Study view 2
Master bedroom view 1
Master bedroom view 2
Master bedroom balcony
Master bathroom with separate shower and tub - YES!

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