Monday 11 March 2013

Home for the Holidays: December 2012 - January 2013

This Christmas marked the first time since 2010 that Mark and I were able to spend the holidays with our families! And we loved every minute of it!

We arrived in Mt. Vernon early morning on Friday, December 21st after what can only be described as a hellish day and a half of travel (this is before we got to the “loving every minute of it stage”).  Flying such a long distance is a little rough to begin with (especially on a terrible flyer like myself) but when you add that with very turbulent flights, it’s even worse!   But the absolute worst part of the travel, by far, was arriving in Chicago knowing we are only an hour layover and a 1.5 hour flight away from home and being told our flight was cancelled until the next day, possibly even longer, due to the weather.  Well, we’d come too far to be stopped there so we rented an obnoxiously overpriced rental car and decided to finish the last leg ourselves!  The drive started off fine enough with just a light snow beginning to fall as we left Chicago but I’d be lying if I said there weren’t a couple times during the drive that I thought we should have possibly waited for that flight, seeing (when it wasn't a total whiteout) multiple overturned 18-wheelers and cars off the road will make anyone second guess themselves. But, we made it home safe and sound thanks to Mark’s safe driving!
The Vogel's house after the big snow storm
The Nurrenbern house after big snow storm
Once in MV, we had a fun filled week of Christmas celebrations, time with family, catching up with old friends, and enjoying the beautiful aftermath of the initially annoying snow storm.  A few highlights from the week include: donating 20 inches of hair to Locks of Love, seeing my 5-year-old niece tear into Christmas presents, Mark catching an iceman game with his family (complete with Todd and a Stanley cup photo-op), watching the playoffs with Mark's family, celebrating my parents birthdays, and cooking for my family for the first time (for Christmas dinner, no less)!
After much needed cut (left), before cut (right)
Brinkster opening presents on Christmas morning
Playoffs at the Vogel's - and Todd was able to come home!
After a fun filled week in Indiana, we headed off for a long weekend in Houston to check on our house and celebrate New Year’s with our friends.  Friday night we went to a Houston Aeros hockey game with a large group which made for a fun time! The rest of the weekend was spent catching up with friends over shopping and football (can you guess who did what?).  Before making our way to visit Mark’s family in Alabama, our time in Houston was capped off with an awesome NYE party at a friend’s house!
Some of the boys at the Aeros game :)
Kaitlyn and I watching the Michigan State game
Mark and his boys ready for some football!
Bekah and I ready to head off for a day of shopping
NYE 2012
In Alabama we were able to visit with Mark’s maternal grandmother, aunt, cousins, and step-grandmother which included a visit to Mark's Grandpa’s farm (a first time for me!) – lots of great memories (just wish I had taken some pictures!)!

After our visit in AL, we came back to Indiana for another 5 days.  Even made it back just in time to celebrate our 10 year anniversary in MV, where it all started :) I’d say that saying yes to being Mark’s girlfriend has worked out pretty well!  When January 8th rolled around, it was (as always) hard to say goodbye but it was made easier this time knowing that we’d be back so soon as we are coming back to The States in May 2013 for our friend's wedding!
Celebrating 10 years as a couple - the good news is, it doesn't feel like its been that long!
Brinkley doesn't want Uncle Mark to go (Aunt Niki turns into chopped liver when Uncle Mark is around)

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