Thursday 17 November 2011

Happy Birthday to Colt!

Well, Colt’s been up to his old antics again, namely the shoe chewing. But he has also been sneaking onto our bed.  I came home in October to find him with an “Uh-oh” look on his face and a pair of my heels in his mouth! Luckily for him they were a kind of outdated pair so he wasn’t in too much trouble but still! 
Colt caught chewing on my only neutral color heel!
October also brought the realization that as Colt gets older he gets smarter.   He’s recently discovered that he is strong enough to knock down the baby gate partitions we use to keep him out of certain rooms. So what’s his next move? Helping himself to a comfy nap in our bed of course!
Umm, that doesn't look like your bed...
And just when Colt does something to get himself into some BIG trouble like shoe chewing or rolling around on my bad, he goes and looks all pathetic before I can be mad.  The peak of his "patheticness" rolls in with the storms. Being that Singapore is on the equator, the temperature stays pretty much consistent year-round.  But there are changes in the weather, November through January or so marks the monsoon/rainy season and let’s just say that hasn’t set well with Colt.  Something about the rain/thunder/lightening here puts Colt in what we delicately call a “tizzy”.  He begins panting and shaking throughout the duration of the bad weather and refuses to eat or go outside in these situations as well.  He usually becomes kind of immobilized on the couch or floor so I just cover him with a blanket and we wait it out.  He’s pretty cute when he’s tucked in the blanket but it’s still sad.  The blanket doesn’t seem to help too much either but thanks to mark’s mom, Gayle, we ordered him a Thundershirt ( and are anxiously awaiting its arrival.  We just hope it helps but either way, I’ll be sure to post some picks of him in it.  
Colt hiding from the storm
How could I ever be mad at that face?!
Colt cuddled up awaiting another storm

Bad weather is not the only thing that Colt has decided that he’s scared of though.  Recently Colt has even turned on his back on his old friend, the vacuum cleaner.  Once good buds who liked to chase each other, Colt now runs in fear of the vacuum.  Will they be able to recapture their friendship?! Stay tuned.  

Other exciting happenings in Colts’ world included the visit from is Grandparents, Gordon and Gayle.  The most exciting part of their 10 day visit for Colt was probably that fact that he got to stay out in the living room at night and sleep on the couches since they were staying in his room.  But I think he also liked having 4 people to accompany him on his walks!
The boys on the couch: Mark, Colt, and Gordon
Gordon and his "Grand-dog"
November 15th marked Colt’s 2nd birthday!!  To celebrate he got a bone and a new toy. I also made him an organic peanut butter carrot cake which I cut into bite-size squares and took to his friends at the dog meet-up.  They all seemed to really like it but that doesn’t say much because Colt especially is not always too choosy when it comes to food.
Happy Birthday Colt!
Having a drink at the dog meet-up on his b-day (Thanks for the picture Sarah!)
Colt's friends at their doggie hang out
One of my new favorite pictures of Colt
Colt with his toy box and new birthday toy
All-in-all, I think everything is good with Colt even despite his storm anxiety and tiff with the vacuum. Now, if I can just train him to only chew on Mark’s shoes…

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