Wednesday 16 November 2011

3 Out of 5's Not That Bad...

This year for Halloween Mark and I got invited on a party bus!  Apparently, the same thing was done for lasts years Halloween and was such a huge success that this year there had to be 2 buses because there were 112 of us! The organizer picked 5 very different venues for the bus to take us to and to make things a little more interesting each venue was only announced on the bus as we're making our way there. The great part was that for $35 SGD a head we got to ride on the bus, entry into the bar, 1 drink at each bar/club, and there were also some shots on the bus.  

Harry Potter a.k.a. Andre was the one who organized everything so thanks Andre!
Mark and I
Onboard the party bus and  headed to the first venue!
Since we were celebrating Halloween, costumes are mandatory for entry onto the bus which made things really fun. Since we waited until the last minute and therefore couldn’t order anything online, we decided to go with something cheap and easy so Mark went as a teacher and I went as a student…We’ll leave it at that.  
View of the people from the buses at the first bar
Mark really liked this guys costume. I believe he is a character from a Nintendo game Mark played as a child but I'm not sure.
Mark with the tiniest beer I've ever seen!
Alison and I with our Lemon Drop shots
This is the first Halloween that Mark and I realized we are getting old. We made it to a whole 3 of 5 bars before getting a taxi home and calling it a night! Yes, we are losers - but, we had a great time!
Mark and I in the cab on the way home
Being silly

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