Monday 27 June 2011

A Case of the Terrible Mondays

Monday began with some continued issues with the condo.  Since moving into Watermark we've been faced with several things not working properly, the biggest issue we've faced being the water that leaks out into the study room floor from a source somewhere in the guest bathroom.  To make a long story short, this has been ongoing since we moved in because it was not adequately repaired or monitored when it was first brought to the owners attention.  It led to our not being able to use the guest bath for the first 4 weeks and more than a dozen appointments in regards to it! While we are happy that the issue is being addressed, we are quite upset because prior to signing the lease the water issue was disclosed to us as a previously resolved issue. We were assured on multiple occasions by the owner that it was no longer an existing issue, even though that was not the case.  So, at the very least, we feel misled.  On the bright side, Monday was supposed to mark the end of our worries with this water hassle! But, that didn't exactly go as expected either.  Apparently the owner signed off for the contractor to cut into the wall without telling me and the contractor made no effort to contain the wall dust/dirt/mold smell by simply covering our things.  And when I came back from the store on Monday after the dust had settled the WHOLE place was caked with dust/dirt and Colt looked like he had been snowed on.  Needless to say, I was not a happy camper!  While the owner was apologetic, that did not make up for the fact that I then spent the next FIVE HOURS on Monday cleaning and doing laundry to get rid of the mess!  Oh yes, laundry too because the dust seeped into the drawers and coated the first layer of clothes in every drawer, YAY (Said in sarcastic voice)! You might think this doesn't sound that bad but I forgot to mention that before I left for the store I had just (and when I say just I literally mean 5 minutes before) finished putting away and cleaning all of our stuff from the move. I was going to the store to get a shower curtain rod - the only project I had left to finish before Mark came home from work and I could show off how hard I'd worked on the place that day (yes, I know it's sad but I totally planned to fish for some compliments).  So when I came home to the giant mess which put me back at square one, I had a stress overload.  But again, on the bright side (I'm really trying to have the glass is half full mindset here), the landlord has been super nice since this incident but I think that's because I called her crying and she's a little worried I might be crazy...
Small sample of the dust that covered EVERYTHING!
Also, I have the best husband ever! Mark knew what a bad day I had so he brought me flowers! Aww!
Yeah...He scored major points!

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