Wednesday 9 May 2012

Singapore Happenings

There’s been lots of celebrating lately with my Singapore lady friends - three of us had birthdays in March and Ashley is expecting her first child in June!  We also had another themed get together (we’re getting pretty good at these)!  
Birthday gift from Mark - perfect present seeing as how I'm getting old and all ;)
This time it was a “My Favorite Things” party hosted by Hayley where you bring one of your favorite things under $10 for everyone at the party.  Luckily, there are only 7 of us or things could get really expensive really fast!  It was potluck with everyone bringing their favorite dish in honour of “My favorite Things”. The party was a success and it was interesting to see the variety in gifts and food!  We also got to celebrate Ashley’s birthday with brownies - homemade brownies (thanks Sarah!).  
The Swag!
Ashley blowing out the candle on her birthday brownies
Hostess Hayley and the Birthday Girl
Cute wrapping at My Favorite Things
At Titanic 3D with the girls, "We're Queens of the World!!"
A few weeks later we had Ashley’s baby shower, it was a High Tea at the Fullerton Bay Hotel.  I was really excited for the shower but also because I’d never done high tea.  The shower was very nicely done with an excellent location and a few games.  We also got to meet some of Ashley’s other friends but the best part was that her Mom was in Singapore and able to attend – awww!
High Tea Lunch
Lunch, tea, and Prosecco
Just before lunch
Ashley's Mom and hostess Grace with Teddy bear gift
Post shower festivities
Following the baby shower we met up with our husbands, who had all been hanging out together, for a few drinks.  And we even scored a free bucket of mini beers from a local bar! Aren’t they cute?!  Kind of funny to go from high tea to mini beers in one day, haha!  Other recent friend hangouts include a trip to Arab Street where we had rooftop drinks with a great view and then Mexican food. 
Meeting up with the boys for mini beers at Merry Men
View from Arab Street rooftop bar
For the record, we girls don’t only get together for brownies and Mexican food ;)  We exercise too – we’ve recently done the MacRitchie Nature Reserve walk which is approximately 14km.  It was a good walk, really pretty and it’s nice to have someone to talk to while exercising.  It even had a treetop portion which I did! I’m not going to lie though, I was pretty scared!!
Hayley and Sarah during MacRitchie walk
Pretty lake view
Tree top walk
Niki on the tree top walk
The blog just isn't complete without a monkey picture
On the home front, Mark has officially changed positions at work and is now blending motor gas (like V-Power that you buy at Shell) instead of fuel oil.  He’s been working really hard lately to wrap things up with the team he’s on and learn his new role.  Mark will also be working more when he’s not at the office at night and on weekends so Shell set up his system at home.  We had to move some things around but got enough space to fit in his office so he doesn’t have to go to work on the weekends which will be nice :)
Mark's new workstation.

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