Friday 9 September 2011


Mark and I haven't seen a lot of each other this week because he’s been working late and then gone most nights because of the APPEC – Asian Pacific Petroleum Conference.  Which is a conference this week in Singapore that brings a lot of people from the oil and gas industry and while Mark doesn’t actually attend the conference there are events at night that he’s been going to for networking. 

I’ve missed him but I been keeping myself pretty busy this week since it was my first week of volunteering for RDA, Riding for the Disabled Association.  It is exactly what it sounds like, a non-profit organization that allows children and adults with physical or learning disabilities in Singapore to get free, therapeutic horse-riding lessons.  The lessons aren’t don’t necessarily always focus on learning good equestrian form but are more for helping build confidence, communication skills, and coordination through riding.  
RDA Centre
Tuesday was technically my first day but was very brief and was mainly for filling out schedules and waivers.  Thursday was my first day of training.  It took place at the RDA stables from 9-1:30pm where we learned about the people that come to RDA (mostly children), safety, and working with the horses.  The training was very hands on which I liked.  I worked with the largest horse, Mistoff, who is solid white.  I haven’t been around horse much so I was pretty intimidated at first but began to feel comfortable quickly.  There were two other women in my group working with Mistoff, both were training as well.  We worked really well together so decided to all sign up for the same volunteer day, Mondays.   My role at RDA will be a “side walker”, although I will also help with events.  As a side walker, my job will be to give instruction to the rider and support them; sometimes this will be emotionally, sometimes I will physically have to support them on the horse.  
Didn't get a chance to take a picture of the live horse I worked with but here is a pretty drift wood horse in front of the RDA building!
My first day working with a rider will be this Monday, when the next 10 week course starts.  On Monday I will get a rider and horse assignment and will work with the same horse/rider for the full length of the course.  I was told by almost every volunteer that it really rewarding to see the progress of your rider over the 10 weeks so I am getting really excited to get the assignment!

Also keeping me busy this week was Spanish. I’m working on learning it through Rosetta Stone and have covered several lessons this week while Mark has been gone at night.  In fact, I should probably go work on it some more now.  Adios!

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